The trench is excavated, taking into account the thickness of the foundation, the height of the channel and possibly the thickness of an onlay grating or kerb top.
The foundation concrete is poured in the trench. The quality and thickness of the concrete depends on the expected load. Les caniveaux STORA-DRAIN sont de type M conformément à l’article 3.3 de la norme EN1433.
The channels are assembled against each other by means of a tongue and groove jointing system. Starting from the outlet the channel ends are fit into each other. The arrow on the channel elements indicates the direction of the water. The channel elements must be kept clean while installing. To obtain an impermeable finish the security joints must be filled up with an adapted building sealant.
The gratings must be installed and secured in the channel before pouring the surrounding concrete. Both gratings and edge profile are best protected with a synthetic foil that is removed after finishing the works. This prevents the profiles and gratings from being damaged and prevents concrete from ending up in the channels. The top of the edge profile and the gratings must be installed 3 to 5mm below the overlay to ensure an optimum evacuation of the surface water and to protect the channel edges.
There are different ways to connect to the sewage system:
connection by means of
sump unit connection
connection by means of
horizontal outlet connection
connection by means of
vertical outlet connection
For the STORA-DRAIN range three 2 types of assembly are possible: