The indications A15, B125, C250, D400, E600 or F900 measure the level of test resistance expressed in kN that is statically transmitted to the element being studied under laboratory conditions. For example, grid class C250 means that it transmits a strength of 250kN applied in accordance with EN 1433:2005. 1433:2005.
Areas which can only be used by pedestrians and cyclist, and similar A 15 areas such as green spaces.
Footways, pedestrian areas and comparable areas, private car parks or car parking decks.
Kerb sides and non-trafficked areas of hard shoulders and similar.
Load traffic lanes (including pedestrian streets), hard shoulders and parking areas, for all types of road vehicles. Only longitudinal use, never transverse direction.
Areas subjected to high wheel loads. Only longitudinal use, never transverse direction.
Areas subjected to especially high wheel loads (e.g. aircraft pavements).
Only longitudinal use, never transverse direction.